Tue 07 Jan
80 Speacial ~ PLAYBOY 100% REAL! (√ N@UGHTY H0TTiE €°¥ LAST DAY in town!! = { AVAiLABLe Now!} - 25
(Wichita, around wichita incall)
A**S**H**L**I**E ~ Gοrgεουs Rεdhεαd COUGAR ~ Fετίsh Frίεηdlγ ~ 2 Gίrl Mαssαgε Sρεcίαls W/ Allίε!! - 38
(Wichita, Wichita - InCalls Only)
(¿) > > Even BETTER then it sounds > > TANTRA < < < LEAViNG SOON ! ! - 48
(IN ONLY / my private home Wichita)
1 5 0 SPECIAL ______ CHECK this OuT ! __________ OH! the things I can teach U - 99
(IN @ my PRiVATE Home Wichita, ks.)
A top rated companion! New 2 the Wichita area*sweeter than Italian Ice*available now with specials! - 19
(Wichita/ East incall-outcall)
!!STOP!! »» You've Found the One Your Looking For!! Don't Miss Your Opportunity!! - 26
(Outcall Only, Wichita)
✗ Suck Chrome Off Bumper ✔ ✔ Hour Special ♥ Call - NO Text Plz - 53
(Wichita, Out (Call for Travel Outside City))
Suck Chrome Off Bumper ✔ Hr Special ♥ Call - NO Text Plz - 53
(Wichita, Out (Call for Travel Outside City))
💜💙SASHA***ONLY here til sunday 😍 DONT miss out 📞316•251• 3175 💋INCALL ONLY - 29
(East Kellogg INCALL only, Wichita)
★SEXY ★ SWEET★ PLAYMATE ☆★ (((((((((( AVAILABLE 24/7 ))))))))) ★☆★ CALL NOW - 19
(Wichita, incall only west wichita)
***~Ima Eye Catcher~*** Petite, Brunette, And Sexy ( $$Specials$$) - 24
(Wichita, wichita, all surrounding up to 60 miles)
____ (( L★★ K )) __here__ ((( EXOTIC ))) __sexy__ (( B O M B S H E L L )) __amazing__ - 28
(Wichita, Wichita/TRAVEL)
***Fun Sexy Exotic Brunette*** ---- Specials--- Call Me!!!! - 24
(Wichita, wichita, all surrounding up to 60 miles)
~*~ GET ~*~ WHAT ~*~ UR ~*~ LOOKING ~*~ FOR !!! ~*~ HoT ~*~ SeXy ~*~ Swedish 100 % ME GUARANTEED - 50
(Witchita & Oklahoma)
( H O T ) *DeLiciOuS* ___ {BlOnDe & BruNeTTe} __ B A R B i E S ___ {= ___ AvAiLBLe ___ =} SpEcIaLs - 20
(Wichita, All Of Wichita)
I Do all The RigHt Tr!cKs. .{{ ATrue Fr3@k 38DDD's}} * *! - 20
!!! HONEY ~ HONEY~ HONEY~!!! SPECIALS !!!!!! Hawaiian, SEXY, CLassy , OUTCALLS only - 25
(Wichita, WICHITA-)
💋💄 I'll DO what she WON'T 🍩 💋💄 CALL ME NOW!!! 🍩Great SPECIALS ASK ME - 23
(Wichita, wich & surr cities (in/call kell& olive))
Mon 06 Jan
N.E.W °o♥o° N.a.U.g.H.t.Y. °o♥o° TeMpTa TiOnS °o♥o° GeNtLeMaN's #1 ChOiCe - 21
(Wichita, Outcall's to you)
MY LAST week as a playmate GREAT SPECIALS ebony bubble butt beauty - 25
(in calls or out wichita area, Wichita)
Mixed Dominician Republic Beautiful Queen :) 100 $ Specials! * Visiting * - 22
(Wichita, Wichita & Surrounding;)
do you like big tits and a wild time!?!? young, sexy, wild, and ready!!!!! 24/7 - 24
(Wichita, outcalls only)